Honor Your Oath YouTuber Arrested St. Johns County Sheriff

Honor Your Oath Civil Rights Investigations Arrested By St. Johns County Sheriff’s Deputy

-St. Augustine, FL

St. Johns county was established in 1821 and is located in the northeast area of Florida. The county’s estimated population is currently 254,261. St. Augustine is a city in St. Johns county located on the east coast and is home of the Veterans Administration Health System for the North Florida/South Georgia area. This clinic offers a wide range of services from primary care to social work.


For years, the VA has been plagued with leadership problems, allegations of inadequate healthcare, reports of contradictory spending and policies in place that contradicted the First Amendment. Until July 2019, the VA had a policy restricting both patients and staff from placing religious items on display in a public area and even went as far as referring to holiday related themes as “unfortunate events” prohibiting the displays of Christmas trees and banning carolers from various facilities.


The new policy according to the VA will “promote religious liberty” for veterans. When the announcement of the new policy took place in the summer of 2019 the VA cited a recent Supreme Court case known as, The American Legion V. American Humanist Association. In that case the court said in a 7-2 decision that a large cross on public land which was standing on the land for 90 years could remain on display. Furthermore, the policy applies to any public space such as lobbies and grounds to display any ‘text’, material object, or emblem image that is representative of a religious or spiritual belief. It allows for symbols and displays on walls, tables, structures, and as required for holidays.

A known patriot to the First Amendment and veteran known as Jeff Gray, is the owner of the YouTube channel “Honor Your Oath Civil Rights Investigations”. With just under 100,000 subscribers Mr. Gray has many videos on his channel where he peacefully practices his right to free speech and public photography. Usually his messages are through written verbiage while holding a sign. His usual signs read, “God bless the homeless.” Mr. Gray will stand on public property while holding said signs. On many occasions law enforcement will interact with Jeff Gray; however, on some occasions law enforcement will go as far as to violate Mr. Gray’s civil rights and in his last encounter from March 16th, 2021 just that occurred.

Mr. Gray was standing outside of the Veterans Administration clinic in St. Augustine Florida with a sign that read, “God bless the homeless vets”. According to Mr. Gray his presence on that day was to advocate good will and compassion at the hospital and bring awareness to the growing number of homeless veterans in the United States. 

Mr. Gray was standing outside of the hospital near a public bench. While standing in front of the facility and having little interaction with anyone at the facility a deputy from the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Department walks up to Mr. Gray and asks for his “ID.” The deputy that made contact with Jeff Gray was later identified as Deputy McDonald. McDonald then says to Mr. Gray that he was trespassing after warning. The deputy started saying that “if they don’t want you here, you have to leave.” Jeff Gray mentioned that no one at the hospital asked him to leave but if they want him to leave he will. He also mentioned that he was engaging in a constitutionally protected activity. McDonald told Mr. Gray to leave the property and continued to ask for his ID.


This whole encounter was being recorded on Mr. Gray’s nearby camera. The deputy was caught on camera saying, “Don’t play this game with me where you think you know more than me.” Suddenly while Gray and McDonald were exchanging words you see the deputy snatch Jeff Gray’s sign out of his hand and throw it on the ground. He then tells Gray, “if you do not give me your ID I’m placing you under arrest.” Gray then turns around and puts his hands behind his back while McDonald secures Gray’s wrists in handcuffs behind his back.


In an audio recording the deputy was heard saying to Jeff Gray he was trespassing after warning and he was arrested for not providing his identification. The deputy continued his debate that he knew the law better than Mr. Gray did. McDonald claimed that the federally funded VA clinic was on private property with public access and the facility can trespass anyone they want.

Soon after communicating with dispatch McDonald learns who Jeff Gray is. McDonald then calls for a supervisor to help him make the decision to arrest Gray. When the supervisor arrived on scene, McDonald starts explaining to him that he spoke to someone in security that claimed he asked Jeff Gray to leave. Deputy McDonald then asked the supervisor, “what do you think I should do?” The supervisor then says to the deputy, “do what you want”. About another 45 minutes go by when McDonald was heard saying to Jeff Gray that he is going to forward charges and un-detain him.  McDonald then says to Gray that he is not trespassed and because he is a veteran and he still can go to the facility for medical services, but he cannot be on the property “doing what he was doing”. The audio recording ends after McDonald is heard saying, “I think you’re free to go.”

“Still Can’t Breathe” The Eric Garner Anti-Chokehold Act

“Still Can’t Breathe” The Eric Garner Anti-Chokehold Act

New York-

Since 1993 the New York patrol guide has prohibited the use of chokeholds. The use of chokeholds although being against the department’s policy was not against the law in the state of New York prior to June 12th, 2020.


On July 17th, 2014 NYPD officers approached a male named Eric Garner on suspicion of selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. Garner told the officers that he was not selling cigarettes. One of the officers, Daniel Pantaleo approached Garner from behind and attempted to handcuff him. When Garner pulled his arms away from Pantaleo the officer then put his arm around Garner’s neck and attempted to take him to the ground. Both Garner and Pantaleo fell into a glass window which did not break. According to a cell phone video, Garner went on his hands and knees and grew silent while the officer had his arm around Garner’s neck. A total of five officers surrounded Garner and Pantaleo. After 15 seconds the officer let go of Garner not before pushing his face into the sidewalk. Eyewitnesses heard Garner saying, “I can’t breathe” over 11 times.

A NYPD sergeant then called an ambulance for Garner while he laid on the sidewalk handcuffed. When EMT’s arrived, they did not administer emergency medical aid or put Garner on oxygen. One hour after being transported to the hospital Garner was pronounced dead.


Following the death of Eric Garner, the city agreed to pay Garner’s family $5.9 Million dollars. The city although agreeing to pay, did not admit any fault in the settlement. The payout also came to the expense of taxpayers. Five years after Garner’s death Daniel Pantaleo was fired after a judge recommended his termination.

On June 8th, 2020 both houses of the New York state assembly passed the Eric Garner Anti- Chokehold Act. According to this legislation any police officer in the state of New York who injures someone or kills someone through use of a chokehold or similar restraint can be charged with a class C felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison.


From the time of Eric Garner’s death to the time the new legislation was passed NYPD had received over 800 complaints of injuries from chokeholds.


Recently even with the chokehold ban in place videos have been surfacing on the internet of NYPD officer’s placing suspects in chokeholds. One officer for example was suspended and charged with aggravated strangulation.

Many arguments have been brought up within the community for the elimination of qualified immunity which may prevent taxpayers in the future from being on the hook financially for NYPD’S payouts to victims of police brutality.   Written by Acura Amanda – 

Plano Texas Teen arrested for walking home in snow

Plano, Texas-   

               When Plano teen Rodney Reese was walking home from work on Tuesday, February 16th he was stopped by Plano PD officers who later arrested and charged him with Pedestrian in the roadway.   

They claimed that someone called concerned that a black male wearing a short- sleeve shirt was stumbling along the road in icy conditions. The call was dispatched to officers as a welfare check. 

When police made contact with Reese, he told the officers multiple times that he was fine. In the body camera footage released by police you can hear Reese telling the police that he was on his way home. One officer was heard telling Reese, “Alright, but you’re walking in the middle of the road.” Reese replied back, “I understand, my bad.”  

Written by Acura Amanda – Youtube