Pensacola Police – Excessive force

Pensacola Police officer silently punish arrested person with excessive force

The Pensacola Police Department along with several officers were effecting an arrest for assault, dui and later resisting arrest.  Mike Cromwell got into a dispute at a whataburger relating to cutting one another off.

When Police arrived they wanted Mike to exit the vehicle. When he refused officers began punching and choking Mike to get him to exit the vehicle. Mike had already surrendered his keys to the police so there was no threat of him leaving with the vehicle. Officer Kelly at the time of this arrest was on the job about six years. He stated in his deposition that he had punched Mike over 4 times. During the video you do not hear anyone say stop resisting, don’t fight or any other words indicating he was fighting other than saying he wasn’t getting out of the truck.

What you do see though is officer in a choke hold with Mikes face purple. That officer is Kelly. The same officer admitting to punching him in the face in the deposition. 

Officer Morales is heard on the video saying “woo hoo baby” when the officer tells Mike to get out of the truck and he says he’s not getting out. Officer Morales clearly knows that she is going to witness a fight ensue and she apparently enjoys it. 

Mike has over $20,000 in medical bills pending from this October 2018 incident

Police were cleared of all charges, body cameras were not in use on all officers, and depositions state that body camera are unreliable. 

Mike is seeking help with finishing the lawsuit against the department.

Depositions, body camera, evidence, and other case file work has been completed. 

please contact me at for more information

Officer Morales is a black eye to law enforcement with her knowledge of law, specifically resisting with violence, inciting violence or excited to the impending violence. Officer Morales even said that she found Mikes gun in the center console, in a holster and wanted to charge him with a firearm violation. She is very unknowledgeable of the law and a spectator excited for violence from what is perceived in the video. Mike has his photo in the back of his truck to show awareness of what happened to him.

3 thoughts on “Pensacola Police – Excessive force

  1. I have said it time and time again. I will keep saying it till something is done about law enforcement today. We no longer have police that protect and serve. We don’t even have law enforcement officers. What we have is out of control ego tripping bullies with guns and badges. They treat people with gestapo tactic. We no longer see professional law enforcement officers. We see gaing members that are out to get you. The thin blue line brotherhood gang. And they wonder why there is a disconnect between the police and the public. Always record the police, you may just save a life

  2. Morales, as much of a scumbag as you’ve made her out to be, may be right about the gun violation. It is illegal in Florida to carry or be in possession of even a licensed firearm while inebriated. Mike was charged with DUI, and anything on the center console in the front seat of a vehicle is, by law, in the possession of the vehicle’s operator if he is also inside
    the vehicle.

    1. Florida law does not prohibit possession of a firearm while drunk, only the USE of it. That was not the scope of their claim. It was legally, lawfully stored “not readily available” for use as the statute permits

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